
Monday Jan 22, 2018
046: Resolutions: They're Not Just For January 1st
Monday Jan 22, 2018
Monday Jan 22, 2018
Do you feel pressured to make New Year's Resolutions? Does the first day of each new year automatically compel you to set goals for the future? You're not alone. But it's important to realize that if the goals you set are not specific, measurable, and realistic, they won't materialize no matter how resolute you are on January 1. There are at least 364 other days that are perfectly suitable to define goals. I am a big believer in setting goals, but I don't wait for the new year to do so. The goal must be meaningful to me and I must be ready for it and willing to set parameters in order to reach it. Remember, soon is not a time. Be specific and set a date to crush that goal. Some is not a number. Write down exactly what you want to achieve. And luck is not a strategy. If it is to be, it is up to me. And you. Thank you for listening.
- Mark

Monday Jan 08, 2018
045: The Essentials of Entrepreneurship
Monday Jan 08, 2018
Monday Jan 08, 2018
The term "entrepreneur" is tossed around a lot in today's business world. Many people wish to become entrepreneurs and get out from under "the man," otherwise known as the corporate structure. But what is a true entrepreneur and what does it take to become one? My team had some questions about entrepreneurship so we sat down and had a chat. I hope you find value in the questions they asked and the answers I offered. The answers are quite simple, although oftentimes, I find that human beings get lost in unneccessary minutiae. I like to say, "never let perfection be the enemy of accomplishment." I hope you will listen to this podcast and hear encouragement, determination, discipline, and passion. And I hope you will use it to push your limits and explore the creativity you have inside of you. Thank you for listening.
- Mark

Thursday Dec 21, 2017
044: A 45 Minute Session with Therapist, Melanie Logan
Thursday Dec 21, 2017
Thursday Dec 21, 2017
It was an absolute joy to sit down for a 45 minute session with Melanie Logan, a licensed professional counselor. From favorite authors, potty training, and tips to using video app Marco Polo, we covered a wide spectrum of topics that will educate, inspire, and delight you. You are in for a treat! Ms. Logan is a therapist in Tulsa, Oklahoma whose mission is to help people find joy in their lives. In this podcast, Melanie shares about her path to becoming a counselor, the nudges that inspired her to open her own practice, and the passion and excitement she gets to experience as a direct result of helping others. Melanie is authentic, insightful, and truly gifted. She is a woman who absolutely insists that there is joy to be had and she is determined to help others discover it within themselves.
Melanie Logan, LPC, aptly named her private practice: Joyful Living Counseling Services LLC. Please visit her website to learn more about her at www.joyfullivingcounseling.com.
P.S. Test your self confidence by downloading the video app Marco Polo on your smart phone. It's a free download in Google Play.
- Mark

Thursday Dec 14, 2017
043: The Power of The #MeToo Movement
Thursday Dec 14, 2017
Thursday Dec 14, 2017
If you've watched TV or followed social media lately, you must certainly be aware of the #MeToo Movement. This movement is an example of incredible social evolution for which I am thrilled. I am especially proud of the courageous women who have come forth and spoken their truth. Their bravery has made it possible for still others to find their voice to speak out against such reprehensible behavior and treatment of females in the workplace. If you are a woman who has been hurt by sexual assault and/or harassment, I am deeply sorry you experienced that and I stand in staunch support of you speaking out. Thank you for your courage. Sexual assault and harassment cannot be tolerated. It took one voice to start a movement for change. It takes all of our voices to make it stick. Thank you for listening.
- Mark

Thursday Dec 07, 2017
Thursday Dec 07, 2017
Do you have an entrepreneurial spirit? Do you have ideas in your head that you want to see manifested in your reality? Are you willing to take a risk to bring those dreams to fruition? Jordan Evans is a man who has worked hard to make his dreams come true. He, along with his business partners, have successfully built a business on the side while working full-time jobs. In this podcast, Jordan explains strategies for building a business while maintaining integrity at his full-time gig. I hope you enjoy his kind spirit, enthusiasm, and heart for superior customer service as much as I do. Jordan is proof that dreams come true when you are willing to work for them. Thank you for listening!
Showroom Garage Services is a professional garage cleaning and organization service exclusively focused on residential garages. They transform an ordinary garage into a SHOWROOM that you can be proud of. My garage has never looked better! Please check them out on Facebook or give them a call 918-947-9460.
- Mark

Friday Dec 01, 2017
041: The Keys to Work/Life Balance
Friday Dec 01, 2017
Friday Dec 01, 2017
Do you struggle with trying to balance your work life with your personal life? Welcome to the human condition of today. There are, however, tips to making the most use of your time at work while making certain you are present to the people you care about at home and in your personal life. I have found that when I use these tools, I am ultimately more productive, creative, relaxed, and perhaps most importantly, I am present. I hope you enjoy this episode. Feel free to pass it along to those you know that could use some help with balance in their lives. As always, thank you for listening.
- Mark

Monday Nov 13, 2017
040: Changing Careers & Following Your Heart with Dr. Tim Ihrig
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Dr. Tim Ihrig is a thought leader in palliative care and one of the kindest men I know. In this episode, Dr. Tim shares his journey from a cycling career to a physician specializing in palliative care. This man cares for the sickest of the sick, the most vulnerable people with life-limiting illnesses. He combines his love of science and people to grace the community of doctors treating this special group of patients. Dr. Tim Ihrig's knowledge of his profession, his thoughtful, caring attitude concerning this difficult area of healthcare inspires me and commands my deepest respect. I hope you enjoy this episode of Mind Your Business. Please share it with someone you would like to inspire today.
- Mark

Monday Nov 06, 2017
039: 5 Things I Wish I Knew Out of College
Monday Nov 06, 2017
Monday Nov 06, 2017
A soon-to-be college graduate and Mind Your Business listener, recently asked if I had any advice for him as he begins his career. He specifically wanted to know if I would share things that I know now that I wish I would have known then. Absolutely! There are five things that I've pinpointed that have made a huge difference in my life, my career, and my attitude. I wish you well, my listening friends, and hope that my experience can help you on your path. Share this episode with a friend who may enjoy it as well.
- Mark

Friday Oct 27, 2017
038: 5 Essentials for Leadership
Friday Oct 27, 2017
Friday Oct 27, 2017
Do you think you're a leader? If you've never led, can you become a leader? In this podcast, I'm going to tell you the 5 essentials for leadership. These principles continue to work in my life and in the lives of the leaders I admire and respect. Try them on for size and see if you too can become a leader people are eager to follow.

Friday Oct 20, 2017
037: Unplugged - My Guiding Values Revisited
Friday Oct 20, 2017
Friday Oct 20, 2017
I had a very special week last week. I got a chance to sit down in solitude and think about the values that I have established as guiding principles to live my life by. I wanted to share mine with you and challenge you to think about the values that are important to you, write them down, and commit to live by them.
Otherwise, it's pretty easy to lose yourself in this world.